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H.E. Orr Company is an innovative powder coating and e-coating company. H.E. Orr Company provides powder coating and e-coating to a wide variety of OEM companies including major Japanese auto makers. Orr powder coats and /or e-coats over six million parts annually.
H.E. Orr Company saves its customers money by initializing the entire process from wire forming, to e-coating and powder coating, to sub-assembly and kitting. We take pride in being able to tackle a job from concept to completion. Our customers appreciate the savings by having all these services under one roof.
Orr utilizes an eight-stage zinc phosphate pre-treatment to prepare the parts for e-coating and powder coating. The excellent coating and adhesion of zinc phosphate make it the standard in the automotive industry and at H.E. Orr.
Depending on the specific metal finishing you require, Orr’s team of engineers, technicians and quality control experts will work with you to establish a coating system to meet your requirements for salt spray test hours. It is this commitment to quality and testing that has earned H. E. Orr its solid reputation in the e-coating and powder coating industry since 1957.

H.E Orr’s expansion will allow the Tier One wire-forming and coating firm to better serve North America’s largest automobile manufacturers by increasing production capacity and parts production flexibility and fulfillment. The expansion will add four, full-time employees and one flex-temp to the H.E. Orr team bringing the total employment to 62 team members.
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ISO9001: 2015
The global automotive industry demands world-class levels of product quality, productivity and competitiveness, as well as continual improvement. This standard is based on a number of quality management principles including a strong customer focus, the motivation and implication of top management, the process approach and continual improvement. ISO9001 helps ensure that customers get consistent, good quality products and services, which in turn brings many business benefits.
ISO14001: 2015
ISO14001 addresses various aspects of environmental management including: Improving resource efficiency; waste reduction; providing assurances that environmental impact is being addressed; meeting legal and customer environmental obligations; improving overall environmental impact; and managing environmental obligations with consistency.